Orchard Chronicles

Episode 4

I am writing this from balcony overlooking St Pete's Beach in Florida at the wedding of my Goddaughter Jamie and Corey (great olive harvesters both).

Macala's 2014 production now includes the addition of our very own miracle and angel Julia Jane, who is in Nina's and her family's care awaiting adoption.  She is beautiful and was born December 2nd.

Our Pomegranate and Guava crops were great this past year.  Pomegranate Jelly and Spread production is done with a wonderful final product - now for sale!  Guava's are frozen and waiting for our Cottage Law registrations and home production of Guava Related Products.  Stay Tuned for that.

We harvested our first commercial herb crop this year and enjoyed distribution primarily thru Harvest2U in Temecula.  Rosemary, Lavender and Oregano.  Available year round for sale on our website and at our Orchard Markets.  Plans to expand the list of Herbs grown are formulating and being implemented now .

While we had a ZERO production of olives this year, we did purchase an Olive Mill imported from Tuscany - Olio Mio Gold!  We are ready for a big Olive year in 2015 and more Macala Olive Oil in the fall/winter !

We are working on growing our Fig Orchard and still trying to see if Walnuts can thrive in the Villa Macala climate and soil?

Our first Vineyard is taking shape and has been graded and erosion mitigation work is almost done. We are building around the two parent old vine Zinfandel plants, with 3 babies in ground and another 20+ babies in our green house and shade structure grow house .  This vineyard will end up with 50+ vines by summer 2016.  With luck we will have our first wine production to share with family and friends in 2017. 

Grandma and Grandpa Zinfandel vines and their children...vineyard is all graded and ready for our vines to grow their family!

Grandma and Grandpa Zinfandel vines and their children...vineyard is all graded and ready for our vines to grow their family!

Future orchards and vineyards are being planned and graded over then coming year and starters being propagated in greenhouse now. 

Our retail vendor list is growing and our website sales also.  After a very successful Thanksgiving Orchard Market, we are now planning one for the Spring/Easter time.

Thanks to all of you who enjoy are products!

Rich and Genine Macaluso